Saturday, June 18, 2005 Discussion Forum

Welcome everybody,

For a long time we have sensed an ever growing active community in the field of Biometric technologies, and here's a chance to engage in discussions generated from material on the forum. We are confident that vibrant discussions WILL take place and we hope that vitality WILL thrive here as well.

TheBIOMETRIX.COM was founded in mid January 2005 by a group of enthusiastic researchers & web developers from the UK, USA, Romania, Greece & Morocco. welcomes your participation in our Discussion Forums. These forums offer you the chance to interact with researchers, experts, developers, analysts, consultants, students, vendors, the general public and with any other users.

We ask that you Post with respect for all fellow forum participants. This is a community, so when you post, we encourage you to tell your fellow community members a little about who you are - not just an e-mail address, but a bit of a bio. It enriches the discussion to know who's "behind the post."

Join http://theBIOMETRIX.COM discussion forum for free.
The forum is easy to use and has numerous helpful features, once you have registered you can check the FAQ section, where you can find answers for your questions and how forum functions.

A special thank you to: Henry J. Boitel, Cristian Donciulescu, Yona Flink, Michael Cherry, Nikolaos Papamichael, Rachid Bencheikh, Bradley Malin, Bill Rogers for their valuable feedback and encouragements.

Many thanks
© Copyright 2005

Monday, June 06, 2005

Your fingerprints are everywhere

Scott Granneman, 2005-06-15

How much do you trust your government? That's a question that all of us have to ask, perhaps the more often the better. Thomas Jefferson, one of the founders of the United States and its third President, wrote to Abigail Adams in 1787 sentences that may seem incredible to many people today:

"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere."

One way to define a government is by whom it controls; in other words, governments serve to provide necessary services to their citizens, like roads and armies, but governments can also legally restrict your physical movements, your property, and your rights. That's why someone can sue you in civil court for money, but losing a civil suit cannot lead to your imprisonment or the loss of your civil rights. If you have the misfortune of being tried in criminal court, however, the state is your opponent, not an individual, and losing that trial can result in the loss of your freedoms of movement, property ownership, and civil rights...
